Responsibilities of the Intro COS Lab Head Team
Once a semester:
- Interview Lab TAs
- Hire interviewers
- Schedule interviews
- Go through TigerUHR applications and select students to interview; students can list if 126 Lab TA or 226/217 Lab TA is one of their most preferred
- Note that for returning Lab TAs, we don’t reinterview; just check their attendance from last semester and make a decision
- Create interview questions
- Usually use an assignment and add some bugs to it
- The COS 126 interview consists of a COS 126 debugging questions and takes about 30 minutes
- The COS 226/217 interview consists of a COS 226 debugging, COS 217 debugging, COS 226 conceptual, and COS 217 conceptual question. The interview takes about 45 minutes, but interviews should set aside 1 hour to be safe
- Use rubric
- Hire Intro Lab TAs
- Hire using TigerUHR
- 126: probably need around 30-35 full time
- 226/217: probably need around 35-40 full time
- A few subs for each is good
- Schedule shifts
- Use the scheduling tool; some manual adjustment may be necessary afterwards
- Check the course websites and communicate with course staff to determine typical assignment deadlines for each course such that staffing is more substantial prior to deadlines.
- Train new Intro Lab TAs
- Add new Intro Lab TAs to the Slack
During the semester:
- Create a direct channel of communication between the Head Team and the COS Introductory teaching faculty on Slack to ask questions pertaining to course specifics
- Make announcements to students, Intro Lab TAs, and course faculty:
- When the lab opens for the term
- When is the lab closed for breaks or holidays
- When the lab closes for the term (Dean’s Date)
- When running a satisfaction survey
- When job applications open up
- Check attendance
- Create and check absence and sub/swap forms that TAs fill out whenever they miss a shift. This way TAs can declare ahead of time if they are going to miss a shift and it’s in our records
- Check TA attendance regularly to follow up with TAs who haven’t been attending their shifts
- Collect feedback from TAs and students about the lab
- Create blog posts and initiatives such as shadowing, apps, etc. to further the lab’s ability to help students
Once a year:
- Hire the next Intro COS Lab Head Team (end of Nov. - first week of Dec.)
- Build a transition checklist
- Add the new Head TAs to the #lab-management, #lab-faculty, and #payroll-management channels in Slack
- Transfer TigerUHR access to new Head TAs for viewing and hiring applicants for COS 126 and 2xx Lab TAs
- Add new Head TAs to the PrincetonCS-UCA Github org so can update website
- Get new Head Lab TAs a labqueue API key
- Make sure the new Head Lab TAs are hired in the Undergraduate Manager position on TimesheetX