Guide for Intro Lab TAs
Once a semester:
- Apply for either 126 or 2xx Lab TA position
- if you are a returning application, you do not need to interview again
- note that if you are a 126 Lab TA and wish to become a 2xx Lab TA, you will have to apply again.
- Make sure you are on payroll and in the slack channel
- Fill out your shift preferences
- Begin your shifts!
Every shift:
- Open
- Review relevant assignments
- If you are the first shift of the day, write on the blackboards in Lewis, as well as the password
- Claim a student to help on the queue (please go in queue order)
- Once you are done helping a student, close them out on the queue
- if you were unable to resolve their issue, reopen them on the queue
- After your shift, log your hours
Throughout the semester, as needed
- If you need to miss a shift, look for a sub/swap